Europaviertel Westparc

City building
  • Location: Frankfurt am Main
  • Year: 2010
  • Residential units: 59
  • Gross floor area (GFA): 6 560 m²
  • Client: Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH Hessen
  • Project team: Martina Rüdiger, Jelena Duchrow, Emilie Kulewicz, Zülfiye Zeybek
  • Address: Schwalbacher Straße 90–94, 60326 Frankfurt am Main
  • Photos: Lisa Farkas


The two linear blocks and solitaire building were designed and built in line with a pre-existing urban master plan. These basic forms are interpreted in an architectural language of reduction, with large, prominent balconies, cuboid in impression and offering ample scope for flexible uses. Cornices continue the lines of the parapets and balcony railings around the buildings, articulating the façades and emphasising the storey divisions. A key theme in the estate is the integration of the apartments with the green zones in the interior. All the apartments have barrier-free access and are built to the KfW 40 energy-efficiency standard, which ensures much lower heating costs than in conventionally built houses.


Porträt: Stefan Forster Architekten, „Gedämpfte Freudigkeit“, Deutsches Architektenblatt, 4/2013


Porträt: Stefan Forster Architekten, „Gedämpfte Freudigkeit“, Deutsches Architektenblatt, 4/2013

„Gedämpfte Freudigkeit“
Von Roland Stimpel
Europaviertel Westparc, Riedberg 02 und Wohnhaus Ostendstraße, Frankfurt am Main

Europaviertel Westparc Riedberg 02 Ostendstraße