Hannover 02

City building
  • Location: Hannover
  • Year: since 2016
  • Residential units: 200
  • Gross floor area (GFA): 11 830 m²
  • Client: Realique Projekt Adapt Hannover GmbH / Dannenberg Immobilienhandel GmbH
  • Project team: Holger Haas, Nils Lamm, Wiebke Nolte, Stefan Pelzer, Peng Wang
  • Address: Röpkestraße, 30173 Hannover
  • Visualisation: studioA



This L-shaped, seven-storey apartment hotel is located in an area of heterogeneous development in the Bult district of Hannover. A powerful, formally restrained building volume was chosen in response to this context. Its alignment along the perimeter of the block defines the street space and differentiates between a public face and a private inner courtyard (with underground car park). The elegantly proportioned clinker façade refers in its materiality and language of forms to the local building traditions. A regular pattern of curved balconies lends rhythm and interest to the façade. At base level, relief brickwork detailing adds emphasis, and at the top of the block, apartments with roof terraces are set back from the façade. The entrance to the building is placed centrally, at the corner. In total 200 studio apartments with high-quality fittings are being created here, each with its own outside space. The high standard is reflected, too, in the inclusion of a restaurant on the ground floor.


Baueingabe für neues Projekt in Hannover


Baueingabe für neues Projekt in Hannover

Mit der Baueingabe für ein neues Appartement-Hotel realisieren das Team von Stefan Forster ihr zweites aktuelles Projekt in Hannover. Das Bauvolumen umfasst 200 Appartements, ein Restaurant und eine Parkgarage. Der elegante, kraftvolle Entwurf greift in seiner Materialität lokale Bautraditionen auf.

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