
Housing estate
  • Location: Aschaffenburg
  • Year: since 2021
  • Residential units: 124
  • Gross floor area (GFA): 16 750 m²
  • Client: Stadtbau Aschaffenburg GmbH
  • Project team: Benjamin Metz, Ingrid Husanu Schumann, Manon Jochem, Alina Zang
  • Address: Schopenhauerstraße 1–11, 63739 Aschaffenburg
  • Visualisation: Dena Khan


On behalf of the local housing association, Stefan Forster Architekten is building four residential blocks in the district of Nilkheim to the southwest of Aschaffenburg´s town centre. The Schopenhauerstrasse residential development comprises a group of three five-storey building volumes and a six-storey solitaire, these being arranged roughly along the arc of the street and marking the start of the new district of Anwandeweg. The position and outline of the new buildings derives directly from the requirements of the development plan. Along the street a mix of uses is envisaged, including commercial units and rows of shops, accordingly the ground floor apartments are oriented towards the south, to the garden. The façade is articulated by means of spacious openings picked out in light colours and base zones in quality clinker brick. Profiled clinker brick and cornices emphasise the horizontals. A mix of accommodation is provided, with differently dimensioned two- to four-roomed apartments, each of them having a dedicated outdoor space in the form of a loggia or a terrace. In total 108 subsidized rental and 16 freehold apartments are being built at Schopenhauerstrasse, ensuring a corresponding social mix in this new urban district. Local authority ownership ensures the provision of affordable accommodation long term.


Einblicke in unser Projekt: Schopenhauer Straße in Aschaffenburg


Einblicke in unser Projekt: Schopenhauer Straße in Aschaffenburg

Spatenstich für Wohnbebauung Schopenhauerstraße in Aschaffenburg


Spatenstich für Wohnbebauung Schopenhauerstraße in Aschaffenburg

Für die kommunale Wohnungsbaugesellschaft „Stadtbau Aschaffenburg“ realisiert das Büro Stefan Forster 124 Wohnungen in vier Mehrfamilienhäusern. Das Projekt an der Schopenhauerstraße im Neubaugebiet Anwandeweg zählt damit zu den größten Stadtbau-Projekten der letzten Jahrzehnte. Insgesamt entstehen 108 geförderte Mietwohnungen sowie 16 frei finanzierte Wohnungen für den Verein „Wohnen in Gemeinschaft“. Am Donnerstag (11. November) erfolgte der Spatenstich mit Oberbürgermeister Jürgen Herzing, Stadtbau-Geschäftsführer André Kazmierski und Stefan Forster.

zur Meldung in Main-Echo zum Projekt